I’m a bit late to the party but still want to share my *App Defaults– like many others did.
Here is the list of Apps I use:
Mail Client: Apple Mail
Mail Server: iCloud + Hetzner
Notes: Drafts
To-Do: Todoist
iPhone Photo Shooting: Camera
Photo Management: Photos
Calendar: Fantastical
Cloud file storage: iCloud Drive (+ Nextcloud and OneDrive)
RSS: Readwise Reader
Contacts: Contacts
Browser: Safari
Chat: iMessage, WhatsApp, Signal
Bookmarks: DEVONthink
Read It Later: Readwise Reader
Word Processing: MS Word (if I have to)
Spreadsheets: MS Excel (if I have to)
Presentations: Keynote, Deckset
Shopping Lists: Cookidoo
Meal Planning: Cookidoo
Budgeting & Personal Finance: MoneyMoney
News: → listen to Podcasts
Music: Apple Music + Marvis Pro
Podcasts: Castro
Password Management: 1Password